What are the symptoms of Retinopathy of Prematurity?
Retinopathy of Prematurity

Retinopathy of Prematurity(ROP) is a medical condition of the eye in premature babies or babies weighing less than three pounds at birth. It affects such babies over the days and weeks following birth. Retinopathy of Prematurity occurs when there is an abnormal growth of blood vessels on the retina (the light-sensitive tissue on the back of the eye). 

The blood vessels of a baby’s retina usually develop between the fourth and ninth months of pregnancy. But they stop developing when they are born prematurely. After birth, the retina undergoes a process called neovascularisation in which it starts growing its blood vessels. But these tend to be abnormal. 

Consequently, it may cause retinal detachment, which causes blindness. In mild cases, this condition tends to stabilise without any treatment. In other cases, it requires careful monitoring and treatment.

Signs & Symptoms of Retinopathy of Prematurity

Babies born prematurely or weighing less than three pounds at birth are brought in for Retinopathy of Prematurity screening a few weeks later. There are zero visible symptoms of ROP at this stage. The eye specialist generally conducts a dilated eye exam between four to nine weeks post-birth. The specialist decides whether to conduct further examination based on the first eye examination. 

Consequently, the Retinopathy of the Prematurity stage determined from the exams decides the future course of action. While Stage 1 and Stage 2 babies improve naturally under the specialist’s supervision, Stage 4 and Stage 5 babies require treatment. In Stage 3, babies may or may not require treatment depending on the doctor’s understanding of the condition.

With age, the following symptoms could be observed:

  1. Trouble recognising people.
  2. Inability to focus on the vision.
  3. White-coloured pupils.
  4. Inability to follow any objects.

With old age, the additional symptoms are:

  1. Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  2. Near-Sightedness
  3. Misalignment of the eyes
  4. Retinal Detachment
Diagnosis of Retinopathy of Prematurity

The diagnosis is subject to the eye specialist’s understanding of the stage of Retinopathy of Prematurity. However, this would take a few weeks after the baby’s birth. The eye specialist will communicate the time for the examination during discharge.

Subsequently, the ROP stages revealed by a dilated eye exam are as follows – 

  • Stage 1 and Stage 2: These stages heal naturally under the observation of the eye specialist
  • Stage 3: This stage may or may not require treatment depending on the extent of abnormal blood vessel growth
  • Stage 4: Babies have partially detached retinas and need treatment
  • Stage 5: Babies have completely detached retinas. Vision loss may happen even with treatment

Treatment methods include Laser Surgery, Eye Surgery, and Injections.

It is natural to worry about your baby’s health, but there is great hope with the advanced treatment options available today. Hence, being armed with the latest technology, the expert eye specialists at Sharath Maxivision Eye Hospital are always there to take care of your baby’s eye conditions.

What are the types of Eye problems?
types of eye problems

Eye-related problems are prevalent these days. Some eye-related issues are minor and can be treated at home, whereas others take time to cure. In any case, we always suggest expert care. We have listed a few common eye problems which you might experience or hear about. 

Most common eye problems

Because of the modern-day lifestyle, you are likely to experience eye-related problems which need immediate attention. Therefore, we have listed common eye-related problems below. If you face any of these conditions, you should take immediate action or consult our experts right away. 

Eye strain

Eye strain mainly happens when you work or read for long periods. It can also happen if you drive for a long time without taking any break. Just like any other part of the body, your eyes, too, need rest.

Red eyes

Do you have red eyes frequently? Then, it might be the result of stressing your eyes. It mainly occurs when the blood vessels that cover the eyes get infected or irritated. It is also a symptom of conjunctivitis. Want to know more about Conjunctivitis? Keep reading this blog to know more about it.

Dry eyes

Dry eyes occur when your eyes don’t produce enough tears or your tears dry up quickly. Majorly, elder people face this condition. You can treat Dry eyes at home too. You must clean your eyelids daily and take breaks while working on a computer or reading books. Also, wearing contact lenses for a long time can result in dry eyes. In such cases, it is better to opt for glasses. Or, you could also look for Vision correction procedures.  


Conjunctivitis or Pink Eyes occurs because of allergies or any kind of irritation that happens to our eyes. It makes your eyelids enlarge and discharge. You can treat this at home by placing a cool cloth over the affected eye. But, if the condition stays for a long time, you must take expert help.

Here are a few common Eye-disorders

Lazy eyes

It is a condition where the eyes don’t develop properly. As a result, the vision of the affected eye may get compromised. We can treat this with corrective glasses and contact lenses.

Cross eyes

Have you ever noticed that your eyes aren’t lined up correctly when you look at an object? Then, you might have cross-eyes or walleye. We treat Cross eyes with vision therapy. 

Colour blindness

Colour blindness is a condition where you can’t distinguish colours. It can affect your day-to-day activities, from choosing a dress to trouble with traffic lights. There is no particular treatment for colour blindness, but there are special lenses and glasses which can ease off the condition to some extent.

There are different types of eye-related diseases and disorders that can cause temporary to permanent vision-related problems. The first step toward maintaining healthy eyesight is to switch to a better lifestyle. You should also consult an eye care specialist once in a while to understand your eye condition better. And if you need an expert in eye care, book an appointment with us.

What is Blepharitis and how is it treated?

Are you a makeup lover, or do you frequently use contact lenses? Then, you should practice a good eye care routine to prevent yourself from any eye infections. Or else, you might face a condition called, Blepharitis. Blepharitis is a common eyelid condition where the eyelids get swollen. The symptoms of Blepharitis generally range from swollen eyes to irritation in the eyes. Generally, it happens when the edge of your eyes is affected by a bacterial infection. Further, the eyelids become scaly and red, making eye movement difficult. 

Blepharitis doesn’t cause blindness, it is not contagious, and it mainly affects children and adults. Most of the symptom of Blepharitis is manageable. With this blog, you will get an insight into this common eye infection and ways to prevent it.

What is the main cause of Blepharitis?

It is believed that Blepharitis is mainly caused by bacteria, but below is a list of sources that can lead to bacterial infections:

Acne Rosacea- A condition that is known to cause facial inflammation, including eyelids.

Allergies- Generally, contact lenses and eye makeup can initiate allergies. In some cases, eye drops spur such a condition.

Dandruff- Dandruff is known to cause certain skin and eye problems. Therefore, Dandruff flaking can initiate irritation of the eyelids and cause inflammation.

Dry eye- Dry eyes are most prone to bacterial infection. If you have a dry eye condition, the bacteria will start affecting your eyelids, creating irritation.

Oil glands- Sometimes, the oil glands in your eyelids get blocked, leading to the condition of dry eyes, which results in inflammation and infection.

How do you get rid of eye Blepharitis?

Mostly, Blepharitis is treated with home remedies. The following measures will help you to avoid Blepharitis.

Avoid using eye makeup for a while- Until the infection is under control, avoid using eye makeup. This can trigger the infection by creating uneasiness in moving your eyelids.

Warm compresses- Wet a clean cloth with warm water. Wring out the excess water and use the cloth to keep your eyelids warm. Repeat the same procedure until you feel a bit soothing. Further, the oily dumps and scaly crusts can be removed.

Clean the eyelids regularly-  Clean your eyelids with less soapy, say baby shampoo and mix it with water. Close the eye and rinse off the scaly skin using horizontal strokes.

In most cases, Blepharitis is preventable, and cleaning your hands and face regularly can ward off such infections. At Sharat Maxivision, we have an amazing team of specialists that are skilled in treating a wide range of eye issues. If you feel any discomfort in your eyes, please contact us immediately and let’s find a solution. Book an appointment now

Subconjunctival Haemorrhage – causes and treatment?
Subconjunctival Haemorrhage

Are you a lens user, or do you have hypertension? If yes, this blog is especially for you. We are introducing you to a subconjunctival haemorrhage. This condition occurs when you have a broken blood vessel on the surface of the eye. Now, what is conjunctiva? You have a clear membrane in the eye that is small, and it covers the white part of the eye. Moreover, your eyes have lots of such membranes that can be damaged due to several reasons. Further, when these membranes break, your eyes turn red. 

Is subconjunctival haemorrhage serious?

In most cases, conjunctivitis doesn’t need treatment and heals on its own. But if the condition stays for a longer period of time, our specialists suggest that you must take expert help and identify the problem. Further, you should schedule proper check-ups, and necessary treatment should be taken. What should you do if you are affected by conjunctivitis? Keep reading to know more about this.

What is the most common cause of subconjunctival haemorrhage?

You must undergo a thorough examination to identify the exact cause of the condition. In most cases, it is due to lenses, trauma or heritable conditions. For instance, a quick rise in pressure can also rupture the membrane. Moreover, if you rub your eyes too hard, the membrane can break, leading to this condition. Most of the time, conjunctivitis starts with irritation in the eye leading to mild pain to severe pain in rare cases. 

What is the fastest way to get rid of a subconjunctival haemorrhage?

In general, there is no way to speed up the process. As mentioned above, you need to go through a thorough examination to identify the cause. Further, with self-care and medical care, you can reduce the effect of this condition. At home, begin with putting ice packs over your eyes to ease the swelling and discomfort. 

Prevention is always the best measure. If you frequently use contact lenses, make sure you disinfect them regularly. Always protect your eyes from any trauma or injuries. If you have any bleeding disorder, keep a thorough check on it. In most cases, a subconjunctival haemorrhage is not a serious issue, but our specialists say it can be serious depending upon the age. Moreover, in older people, this condition can lead to serious vascular disorders too. 

The next question you might have is, does this condition lead you to loss of vision? Well, in theory, it doesn’t. But, as we always say, neglecting an eye disorder is never a good option. So, if the condition lasts for long, say 2 to 3 weeks, and you face any vision problem, it is best to get expert help. To know more about the condition, book an appointment with our specialists. They will guide you through what needs to be done.

How do you know you have low Vision?
How do you know you have low vision

Low vision is a condition in which you can see partially. Several factors cause low vision, and each factor leads to different types of visual disabilities. Especially as you age, the chances of being diagnosed with low vision increase. This is why we always urge you to make regular appointments with our eye specialists. In this blog, we are going to talk about various causes and symptoms of low vision.

Make a note that low vision is a condition. This means it could be caused by various diseases that you might have already heard of. Before we dive further into the blog, there are a few terms that you might need to know about. When people mention that they have a ‘20/20’ vision, it means that they can see things with the highest clarity without a need for external help. In this case, external help includes wearing either corrective glasses or lenses. 

What are the symptoms of low vision?

Low vision is not about being unable to see things clearly. It means that there are various other factors that interfere with any treatment to get a clear vision. There are quite a lot of cases where vision correction cannot be achieved even with corrective lenses. 

There are also a few cases where you might see dark spots in your vision. With time, these tend to grow in size and interfere with your vision. These spots might occur in the centre of your vision, or they might also begin at the corners and make their way to the centre. There are cases where the clarity of vision decreases, and the picture always appears hazy or blurry. In some cases, your eyes might not be able to perceive any light during the nighttime.

What are the causes of low vision?

Most eye issues are a result of low vision. This is why it is very important to keep your eyes in check regularly. For example, you might have already heard of Macular Degeneration. This is a condition that comes with age. As you age, your retina goes through regular wear and tear and starts to malfunction. Cataracts are also one of the most common causes of low vision. 

As mentioned before in the blog, clouding of eyesight is caused by Cataracts. In the same way, Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve due to high blood pressure. All these are causes of low vision. 

How to get diagnosed?

Always make sure to get proper and regular eye exams by specialists. By doing so, you can always be aware of the condition of your eyes. There are various tests that will detect the reason for your vision defects. 

There you go. Those are a few reasons and symptoms of low vision. As there are several reasons for low vision, we urge you to get your appointments on a regular basis. To book an appointment.

What are the Vegetables that improve eyesight?

Veggies! Do you like them? Before you say no, let us just state the fact that vegetables are the best solution for a healthy vision. That is why in this blog we are covering a few vegetables that can help you improve your eye health. Also, we would like to debunk the myth that eating these vegetables cannot reverse the damage done to your eyesight. But, they will be extremely beneficial in preventing any further damage. 

You might ask, are these vegetables magical? And, the answer is, “absolutely not”. Most of the vegetables that you find in your backyard or in the market can improve your eye health. All you need to know is which ones should you choose and why. We hope that this blog creates a valuable change in your lifestyle. So, let’s dive deep into the topic. Also, keep a note of the vegetables and add them to your shopping list next time. 

Food that improves eye health without glasses

Leafy Greens simply are the best

We heard this since our childhood. Leafy greens do tons of good to our bodies. How, you ask? Leafy greens are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. These elements help prevent quite a few eye issues. The antioxidants in leafy greens strengthen the eye muscles thus preventing your eyes from weary issues such as Macular degeneration and Cataracts. Some of the best leafy greens that do good to your eyesight are Spinach, Broccoli, and Kale. These are common in supermarkets and you’ll find no trouble finding them packed for you. 

Make Carrots your best friends

Another phrase that we’ve heard since our childhood is- Carrots improve eyesight. Even though that statement is partially false, it did a lot of good. Carrots are high in Vitamin A, which plays a key role in vision. To explain it even further, Vitamin A helps the Retina in our eye to absorb light. So, the more light your retina absorbs, the clearer and better the image you see. 

Sweet potatoes are your sweetest partners

Sweet potatoes are rich in Beta Carotene. In addition to that, they also carry loads of Vitamin E. Both these elements improve the range of stress your eyes can withstand. This is why sweet potatoes are the best vegetables for the modern world. As you stare long hours into a screen every day, consuming sweet potatoes in your diet will help your eyes prevent damage from stress. 

Include Legumes in your diet

Legumes hold tons of Zinc. Also, you can easily replace meat with Legumes too. That’s because of how much amount of protein they contain. On top of that, legumes have no fat content and high fibre content. All these factors make them the healthiest additions to your diet. 

There you go. Those are a few vegetables that you should start including in your diet. The vegetables that we listed above are extremely easy to find in any market around you. We hope that this blog helps you better understand the value of vegetables. If you find any irregularities in your eyesight, please contact our specialists Warangal right away. We will get your eyes tested and provide you with the best solution possible. 

For how long does the benefits of LASIK surgery last?
Lasik surgery
Lasik surgery

The word LASIK isn’t an unheard one. At least today, you see and hear the word everywhere. And, it’s all for good reasons. The wave of tech advancements that LASIK surgery created is phenomenal. Let us give you the right meaning of LASIK once again. LASIK is the name of a vision correction surgery that reshapes the corneal tissues using Laser technology. And, it is an obvious question that, will the surgery last forever? Will LASIK surgery in Warangal offer you a lifetime of clear and crisp vision? 

It is more than okay to have these questions pop up in your mind, and in fact, these questions are the limiting factor in choosing surgery. So, we will provide you with the answers to these questions in this blog. 

Will laser eye surgery last forever?

Theoretically, yes! On paper, LASIK is a surgery that provides clear vision forever. But, we live in a world of practicality, so we will say that it depends. The lasting effectiveness of LASIK surgery depends on various factors. To make it easier for you to understand, let us explain the basic procedure of LASIK. As explained earlier, LASIK uses a laser to reshape the elements of our eye. In this process, the specialists make very tiny cuts to the corneal layer to fix how it refracts the light. Thus, the image becomes clearer. It is natural that our body goes through changes as time goes by. And, these changes include eyes too. So, there is a chance that the cornea might deform again. 

Also Read: LASIK Eye Surgery – How can you Customise it?

How long do the benefits of LASIK surgery last?

Again, theoretically, LASIK can last forever. But, depending on various factors, and to give a number, LASIK’s benefits can easily last for up to 20 years. Since eyes are sensitive, the factors can range from age to medical conditions. The underlying truth of any surgery is that surgeries can only fix the problems that we already have. But, do not prevent us from facing the problems again. 

Can I get LASIK again after 10 years?

LASIK surgery is one of the safest surgeries today. The success rate of this surgery has set new standards of safety. Since there is no physical intervention, the process is absolutely safe. With that being said, the side effects of this surgery are almost negligible. As mentioned above, the natural course of the human body growth makes it deformed gradually. With that being said, in most cases, there will not be a need to repeat the surgery. But, if you consult our doctors for any discomfort in your eyesight after getting the surgery done, your eyes will then be tested for any irregularities. Based on the results, the doctors might suggest an enhancement surgery too. 

We hope this blog clears most of your questions regarding LASIK surgery. If you have any further queries, please feel free to connect with our eye specialist, and they will always be available to guide you through the process.

Lasik Surgery – how can it be customised?
lasik eye surgery

LASIK eye surgery is one of the most successful surgeries and helped millions of people. As the name suggests, LASIK eye surgery uses a laser to correct vision. A few patterns in eye issues deform the corneal layer of your eye. This change in the corneal layer changes how our brain perceives the image from the eyes. Thus, the image looks blurry. Glasses are one of the most common solutions to see clearly. But, we all know that glasses are a burden to carry around and maintain. 

This is where LASIK surgery comes in handy. LASIK surgery enables us to correct your eyesight with a simple procedure. Also, this surgery is one of the most efficient vision correction methods because of its revolutionary recovery time. As this surgery uses laser technology, you do not get an incision in the eye, and drastically reduces the recovery time compared to other methods. 

Custom LASIK Eye Surgery 

When we say LASIK surgery, it’s an umbrella of surgeries that use laser technology. So, multiple surgeries come under LASIK. But, worry not. Our specialists will brief you on all the methods before you decide. Even before that, we will test your eyes for the compatibility of this surgery, and only based on the results will we suggest the type of surgery. In a few cases, we will also suggest not going through with LASIK surgery. For instance, when the corneal layer is too thin. 

Although conventional LASIK surgery is your safest bet, you can choose custom LASIK eye surgery too. The reasons vary from the medical results to the tests and personal needs. Regarding medical reasons, if you have a larger pupil size or your eyes have lower or higher aberrations. Personal needs include getting a service modified to your eyes perfectly. Doing this is a sure way to get a vision that’s even better than 20/20. Custom LASIK eye surgery is a sure way to get the best vision without eyeglasses.

Even though custom LASIK seems like the better option, we only suggest this to people with extreme or unusual eye conditions. We, at Sharat Maxivision, have treated many and reshaped their eyesight.

Also read: How to choose the best lasik surgeon

NOTE: No information, suggestion, advice, evaluation, process, terminology, etc., provided in our blog should be considered as the final medical advice. Please note that this information is only indicatory for you to better understand various eye-related syndromes and the treatment options available. We recommend you visit our hospital for any issues or discomfort in your eye(s). Only on complete diagnosis by one of our doctors we can evaluate your condition and help you with a relevant medical process and/or treatment.

What should I expect after getting Cataract Surgery?
eye specialist in warangal

eye specialist in warangal

Eye specialists might suggest Cataract surgery if you suffer from cloudy or blurred vision. As cataracts gradually grow, you will face dim or even doubled vision when you look at things with cataracts. These problems can make it hard to read, work on a computer, and do anything else that calls for clear eyesight. 

When should you opt for cataract surgery?

  1. Cloudy vision
  2. Sensitivity towards light 
  3. Seeing a halo around lights 
  4. Sudden nearsightedness 
  5. Poor night vision 
  6. Changes in perception of colour 

What will you gain from cataract surgery? 

One of the best things after this surgery is that it enables you to see clearly. Use this time to relax and let your body recover. Like any surgical procedure, there is a recovery period after having Cataract surgery. With our advanced equipment and procedures, the recovery time is shorter.

Instructions after the surgery from eye specialists in Warangal 

Our doctors will always be open to queries after the surgery. However, there are a few activities you should avoid post-surgery: 

  1. You should prevent rubbing your eyes
  2. Avoid bending over 
  3. Avoid splashing water directly into your eyes
  4. No physical activities during the recovery phase
  5. Avoid swimming for at least a week 

How long does the healing process take? 

It takes an average of 1-3 months for your eye to heal after the surgery fully. So you should expect your eyes to have regained their original state within 2-4 months after the surgery. You’ll probably have an Ophthalmologist appointment around that time.

After a few months of gradual healing, you will observe a significant difference in your sight. At Sharat Maxivision, we will help you throughout your visual rectification journey. We employ advanced equipment handled by experienced specialists. These surgeries are painless and bladeless.

NOTE: No information, suggestion, advice, evaluation, process, terminology, etc., provided in our blog should be considered as the final medical advice. Please note that this information is only indicatory for you to get a better understanding of various eye-related syndromes and the treatment options available. For any issues or discomfort in your eye(s), we recommend you visit our hospital. Only on complete diagnosis by one of our doctors, we can evaluate your condition, and help you with a relevant medical process and/or treatment.