Does alcohol affect your Vision at night?
alcohol affect your vision at night

Alcohol does affect your vision by slowly impairing your brain functioning. It decreases your ability to drive as well. This is due to its effect on the absorption of Vitamin A in the body. 

Vitamin A is essential for good eyesight. It impairs your vision when it can’t be absorbed well in the eye. So, it helps the rods and cones in your retina to produce pigments that help differentiate between colours. Hence, the lack of Vitamin A in your body blocks the production of this pigment in the retina.

When you drink alcohol, it seeps into your eye’s tear film. In turn, the presence of this alcohol component in the tear film distorts the quality of your vision. If you drink excessively, the tear film becomes spoiled over time, leading to driving inability.

Alcohol consumption is one of the leading factors for night accidents. The alcohol you drink mixes with your blood and is circulated throughout your body system. Thus, it reduces your ability to focus on the road. 

Your eye’s iris muscles move very slowly in such scenarios. You may end up not seeing a pedestrian crossing the street or another vehicle in front of you or coming from the opposite direction. The culprit is the ethanol component in alcohol.

What should be your ideal approach?

If you intend to drink on a particular evening, make sure you go out with someone, such as a friend, spouse, other family members, etc., who won’t drink and drive. Also, reduce your alcohol consumption and increase your intake of Vitamin A and other nutrients essential for your eyes. This includes Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Lutein, Zeaxanthin and others. 

You’ll find many of these nutrients in green leafy vegetables like spinach and kale. Other sources include fruits, deep yellow vegetables, nuts, eggs, deep-sea fish and red lean meat. 

Everyone differs in intoxication levels.

Every person has a different degree of intoxication level. Suppose person A gets intoxicated by a particular quantity of alcohol. But person B gets intoxicated at a different level. This changes again for a third person. 

A drink or two may not intoxicate a person at night. But two drinks may intoxicate someone else.

So, this affects a person’s ability to see well at night.

This is based on certain factors such as

  • Gender
  • A person’s size
  • Use of medicines or any other drugs
  • Food eaten
  • Degree of beverage carbonation
  • Mood level
  • Type of alcohol consumed such as wine, whiskey, rum or others
  • Bodily fatigue
  • Body hydration levels
  • Bodily tolerance to alcohol
  • Elevation

A combination of these factors, or at least a few, affects your ability to see well or drive at night. Hence, the ideal suggestion would be to avoid drinking at night if you’re driving alone. Else, you may go out with a companion who wouldn’t drink. 

We, at Sharat Maxivision, have been at the forefront of providing quality eye care for 30 years. This has led us to get very unique recognition in this field. If you need our guidance on the effects of alcohol on your eyes or general eyecare, please feel free to contact us. We’ll be there for you!

How to take care of your eyes during the Monsoon Season?
How to take care of your eyes during the monsoon season?

Are you enjoying the long showers of this monsoon season? We know that you don’t want to compromise on having fun in the rainy season. But at the same time, you should not compromise your eye health. Monsoons mean infections and allergies. This is why you need to take extra care to be safe. In this blog, we will give you tips on how to take care of your eye health during the monsoon season. 

It’s a known fact that monsoon is a season of illness. From viral to bacterial infections, we see and hear all. Therefore, personal hygiene matters a lot this season. The eyes are the most delicate organs of our body. Consequently, it is vulnerable to infections. So let’s get to know how to prevent them.

Tips for monsoon eye care you need to follow 

Wear sunglasses to avoid direct contact.

It might not sound stylish, but it is a way to take care of your eyes during monsoon. The rainwater contains foreign particles. When your eyes come in contact with the rain waiter, it leads to eye infections. And these eye infections can be minor to extremely serious. So it is always advisable to prevent your eyes from making direct contact with rainwater.

Avoid touching your eyes.

Personal hygiene is a must when it comes to monsoon season. Therefore, keep your hands clean at all times. One of the main reasons why people get eye infections during monsoon is the lack of personal hygiene. And it is during this season that a lot of fungal and viral infections affect your eyes. So make personal hygiene your priority.

Try to reduce the use of contact lenses.

One of the sources of eye infections during monsoon- Contact lenses. Contact lenses, if left in unhygienic conditions, can lead to several eye diseases. So, it is important that you keep your contacts clean. Otherwise, it may lead to several corneal infections and loss of vision.

Store your eye make-up essentials in a dry place.

Rain increases the moisture levels in the air. This condition is great for the growth of fungus and bacteria. Therefore, it is essential to store your eye makeup in a dry place. 

Do regular eye checkups.

As the saying goes, ‘prevention is better than cure.’  It is always advisable to have regular eye check-ups. Keep track of your eye health with the help of our experts.

We hope this blog gave you a few tips on how to take care of your eyes during this Monsoon season. Please follow these and keep your eyes away from any infection. And if you need a help of an expert, book an appointment with us.

What are the Vegetables that improve eyesight?

Veggies! Do you like them? Before you say no, let us just state the fact that vegetables are the best solution for a healthy vision. That is why in this blog we are covering a few vegetables that can help you improve your eye health. Also, we would like to debunk the myth that eating these vegetables cannot reverse the damage done to your eyesight. But, they will be extremely beneficial in preventing any further damage. 

You might ask, are these vegetables magical? And, the answer is, “absolutely not”. Most of the vegetables that you find in your backyard or in the market can improve your eye health. All you need to know is which ones should you choose and why. We hope that this blog creates a valuable change in your lifestyle. So, let’s dive deep into the topic. Also, keep a note of the vegetables and add them to your shopping list next time. 

Food that improves eye health without glasses

Leafy Greens simply are the best

We heard this since our childhood. Leafy greens do tons of good to our bodies. How, you ask? Leafy greens are packed with vitamins and antioxidants. These elements help prevent quite a few eye issues. The antioxidants in leafy greens strengthen the eye muscles thus preventing your eyes from weary issues such as Macular degeneration and Cataracts. Some of the best leafy greens that do good to your eyesight are Spinach, Broccoli, and Kale. These are common in supermarkets and you’ll find no trouble finding them packed for you. 

Make Carrots your best friends

Another phrase that we’ve heard since our childhood is- Carrots improve eyesight. Even though that statement is partially false, it did a lot of good. Carrots are high in Vitamin A, which plays a key role in vision. To explain it even further, Vitamin A helps the Retina in our eye to absorb light. So, the more light your retina absorbs, the clearer and better the image you see. 

Sweet potatoes are your sweetest partners

Sweet potatoes are rich in Beta Carotene. In addition to that, they also carry loads of Vitamin E. Both these elements improve the range of stress your eyes can withstand. This is why sweet potatoes are the best vegetables for the modern world. As you stare long hours into a screen every day, consuming sweet potatoes in your diet will help your eyes prevent damage from stress. 

Include Legumes in your diet

Legumes hold tons of Zinc. Also, you can easily replace meat with Legumes too. That’s because of how much amount of protein they contain. On top of that, legumes have no fat content and high fibre content. All these factors make them the healthiest additions to your diet. 

There you go. Those are a few vegetables that you should start including in your diet. The vegetables that we listed above are extremely easy to find in any market around you. We hope that this blog helps you better understand the value of vegetables. If you find any irregularities in your eyesight, please contact our specialists Warangal right away. We will get your eyes tested and provide you with the best solution possible. 

Six ways to protect our eyes this Summer
protect our eyes
protect our eyes

You are already aware that you need to cover your skin from the sunlight, but did you know that you also need to protect your eyes? Yes, you’re right. Summer is an obstacle for your precious eyes, and you should take some measures to protect them. Follow up and read as we give you eye care tips for Summer to follow and shield your eyes from the sun.

Six ways that can protect your eyes this Summer –

  • Wear sunglasses with UV protection –
    UV rays may be reflected off of sand or water.  And, as much as your skin, your eyes should be shielded from the sun’s rays. The best way to protect your eyes is to shop for a pair of sunglasses that provide both UVA and UVB protection. You have a lot of options to choose from, so get the best.

  • Use goggles at the pool –
    Are you a sucker for swimming? The first dip can be a little unpleasant at first. Chlorine, which is meant to protect you from germs, can damage your eyes. Wearing goggles any time you go swimming in a pool is the safest way to protect yourself. Swimming in the ocean or other natural bodies of water is often dangerous because they contain other toxins that can damage your eyes.

  • Protect your eyes from dryness –
    It can be difficult for your eyes to spend time outdoors during the Summer. Since the wind is hot and dry, it may trigger a condition known as Dry Eyes. The hot and dry weather worsens the dryness of your eyes. Wear wraparound glasses to protect your eyes. To keep your eyes moist, use artificial tears.

  • Wear your sunglasses even when you wear your contact lenses –
    Yes, you can get UV-protected contact lenses, but they only protect the middle of the eye and not the area around it, which means you may still be vulnerable to sun damage if you’re wearing contact lenses and going outside. Furthermore, if you wear contact lenses without sunglasses, the sun will cause dryness and discomfort.

  • Wash your hands frequently –
    While this is necessary at any time of year to avoid the spread of eye infections, people are more active outdoors during the Summer. Infections, such as pink eye, spread more quickly as a result of this. So wash your hands frequently, particularly before touching your eyes or putting in your contacts.

  • Stay hydrated –
    Summer can dehydrate a person’s body to the point of exhaustion. As a result, it’s essential to stay hydrated at all times to ensure the health of your eyes and keep them sparkling.

These eye care tips for Summer should be followed because it is essential, as said before. You wouldn’t want to lose your vision just like you lose your tan lines. Visit Sharat Maxivision for more information.

Work from Home Eye Health tips
eye protection tips
eye protection tips

It can be tough working from home and having to spend the majority of your time indoors, staring at your digital devices for long periods.  What about your children who are entirely self-taught at home? Headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain are all caused by spending too much time staring at your screen, tablet, or phone. They’re the classic signs of eye pressure. Here are some eye care tips for you which will make it easier to work from home.

The easiest cure for digital eye strain seems to be spending less time in front of your screen. But, if you work from home, this might not be an option if you don’t have a choice but to spend eight hours a day in front of a screen. You can take several eye care tips to give your eyes a break and reduce the adverse effects of the screen.

Follow the eye care tips :

  1. Check your lighting –

    While your laptop is backlit, proper lighting in the room is essential. Increased eye pressure and headaches may occur if the light is too bright or too dark. It’s important that your screen is bright enough so that you don’t have to squint, but not so bright that it appears to be illuminated. It’s also necessary to keep glare to a minimum.

  2. Blink often –

    Although, blinking is commonly thought to be an involuntary gesture. However, if you spend all day in front of a computer screen, you should make an effort to blink more. Blinking problems may cause dryness, fatigue, blurred vision, pain, and a lack of focus. All of which can lead to decreased performance.
  3. Take breaks –

    It’s also essential to take regular breaks. The 20-20-20 rule, which implies that you should divert your attention to something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Take a break from your computer to get a drink of water or go outside for a few minutes if you can.
  4. Use eye drops –

    Artificial tears are available over-the-counter to help reduce dry eyes. Preservative-free hydrating eye drops may be used as often as required. If you’re using preservative-containing drops, don’t use them more than four times a day.
  5. Keep your distance –

    If the screen is too close or too far away from your face, your eyes will have to work harder to remain focused. Make sure the display is below eye level, with a gap of 20 to 40 inches between your eyes and the monitor.

These eye care tips address your concerns about how to protect your eyes when working from home. Even if you work from home or in an office, these hacks will help you protect your eyes.

Essential Eye Safety Tips in 2021
Essential eye safety

Why is eye safety so important? Our eyes are very delicate organs. Without them, we will not be able to complete our daily tasks. As a result, it is imperative to take care of our eyes. We can follow few steps to keep our eyes protected.
Here are a few eye safety tips to keep our eyes healthy:

Get your eyes checked regularly

You should visit your eye doctor regularly, even if you never needed spectacles or lenses. It will help you detect any issues in your eye beforehand. Therefore, regular visits are a good idea as they help detect any severe symptoms that may harm your eyes later.

Quit smoking: An important eye safety tip

Smoking is terrible for your health. It hurts your eyes too. Not only does it cause cancer and heart disease, but smoking also causes dry eye. Also, smoking increases your risk for cataracts and optic nerve problems, leading to blindness. Second-hand smoke is also harmful to your eyes. You should avoid being around cigarette smoke.

Wear the right pair of sunglasses: One of the essential eye safety tips to keep you safe outdoors

The sun produces harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that can cause skin cancer. Also, these rays cause many eye problems. You can protect your eyes by simply wearing a pair of sunglasses that fit you. Polarized lenses protect your eyes from glare and discomfort.

A healthy and balanced diet keeps your eyes safe: One of the vital eye safety tips

Carrots help to make your vision better. They are rich in beta carotene, an essential nutrient that your body converts to vitamin A, giving you healthy vision.

There are plenty of other healthy, nutritious foods which help reduce the risk of a decline in eye health. For instance, fish like tuna, salmon, sardines, and anchovies are rich in omega-3 oils, which help keep your eyes moist even if you stare at a computer all day. Walnuts, peanuts, lentils, chia, and flax seeds are also rich in omega-3. They are also full of vitamin E, which offers additional protection. Lastly, citrus fruits are packed with antioxidants.

We take care of your eyes. Our doctors prescribe the best ways to treat any issues in your eyes. Your eyes are delicate. It is imperative to care for your eyes. Avoid anything that harms your eyes.