Do you have high eye pressure? 6 common causes and fixes
high eye pressure

High eye pressure happens due to various reasons. It is one of the important parameters that your eye doctor checks for during your eye checkup. This indicates any issues such as optic nerve damage or anything else that interferes with the healthy functioning of your eyes.

Your eye pressure keeps changing throughout the day and may differ from person to person. In healthy eyes, the fluid that keeps your eyes inflated drains freely.

A higher-than-normal pressure in eyes is termed ocular hypertension. Normal pressure in eyes lies in the range of 10 to 21 mmHg. Anything greater than 21 mmHg is ocular hypertension.

Signs of high eye pressure
  1. Your eye pressure is greater than 21 mmHg in one or both eyes when your eye doctor checks during two or more visits.
  2. No visible signs of eye issues.
  3. Normal appearance of the optic nerve.
  4. No signs of glaucoma on visual field testing.

Youngsters have more exposure to high pressure over a time period.

Causes of high eye pressure

This condition usually stems from an imbalance in the production and drainage of eye fluids. There is production of fluids, but a faulty drainage channel leads to fluid buildup within your eyeball. So, this exerts pressure on your eyes going above 21 mmHg. 

The most common causes include:

Migraines & tension headaches: They cause high eye pressure, and tension headaches occur commonly among 80 % of people. Migraine headaches are severe in nature and accompanied by visual irregularities such as zig-zag lines or colourful lines.  

Graves disease: It occurs due to an overactive thyroid gland in which the tissues, muscles and fat behind the eyes expand. Hence, the expansion of tissues behind the eyes causes pressure on the eyes. Here, the eyeball expands out of the socket.

Sinus infections: Here, you’ll feel pressure in the upper part of your face behind the eyes and around your cheekbones due to sinus inflammation.

Toothache: A toothache may impact the surrounding nerves, causing the pressure to travel up to your eyes. 

Optic Neuritis: It happens when your optic nerve has inflammation and is swollen. Eye pain and brief vision loss are common side effects.

Facial injuries: Any injuries happening to your eyes can cause eye pressure and pain, even from an eye socket fracture.

Diagnosis of high eye pressure

This condition is usually diagnosed by 

  • Endoscopy
  • MRI scans
  • Ultrasound
  • CT scans
  • Blood tests
  • Radioactive iodine uptake
Treatment of high eye pressure

Treatment depends on the underlying cause of the pressure.

  • For sinusitis, doctors prescribe antibiotics if it’s of bacteria origin. Virus-origin infections require saline solutions.
  • For headaches, over-the-counter painkillers such as aspirin may be enough
  • If you have Graves’ condition, you may be given medication that blocks your thyroid gland’s ability to produce hormones
  • If you have optic neuritis, your doctor may prescribe steroids to bring down the swelling of the optic nerve
  • If the underlying cause is with your jaw alignment, your dentist will do a procedure to correct it

Hence, high eye pressure is a condition common to everyone but varies in degree as per the underlying cause. 

If you have issues with high eye pressure, please consult our expert doctors at Sharat Maxivision Eye Hospital. We’re always there to help you.

Contoura Vision: Who is a Candidate for this Procedure?
Contoura Vision Warangal

Contoura Vision is a term slowly becoming popular with people looking for better vision correction options. It is the advanced form of laser eye surgery commonly referred to as LASIK. A lot of technological advancements have given better patient outcomes ever since 1999 when LASIK was approved by the US FDA.

LASIK has been used to correct the vision issues of millions of people around the world. While giving patients a new lease on life, it has its small side effects in the form of halos, glares or inability to drive or read at night. LASIK can’t treat these due to the minute imperfections on the cornea. 

Contoura Vision solves these issues, too, by correcting these minute imperfections in the cornea. This isn’t possible with just LASIK. 

While performing any vision correction procedure, there are minimum requirements. LASIK, too, had its requirements.  Similarly, you need to fulfil certain requirements before your eye doctor can recommend you for the Contoura Vision procedure. 

Requirements for undergoing Contoura Vision surgery:
  1. You must be at least 18 years of age or older.
  2. You must be using prescription eyewear, including spectacles or contact lenses.
  3. Your eyes can’t have more than eight diopters of myopia.
  4. Your eyes must not have more than three diopters of astigmatism. 
  5. You can’t have more than nine diopters of myopia and astigmatism combined.

Patients who have undergone LASIK in the past, too, can be eligible for undergoing Contoura Vision surgery. These are patients who experience halos, glares, blurred vision and image ghosting after years of performing LASIK. In observations, patients undergoing surgery have very good results.

Patients who have Keratoconus or Post LASIK Ectasia are also eligible to undergo the Contoura Vision procedure.

Contoura Vision surgery procedure

Contoura Vision surgery is a simple process that lasts for barely 20 minutes. After your eye doctor determines whether you’re a candidate for Contoura Vision, you have to undergo a topography mapping of your cornea. Anaesthetic drops numb your eyes to avoid any discomfort. 

Based on this data, the Contoura machine directs a beam of focused laser light onto your eye’s cornea. This laser beam corrects the imperfections of your cornea and restores your vision. Following the procedure, your eye doctor will follow up by giving you temporary eyeglasses and eye drops. You’ll have clear vision restored within a few hours, in the case of Contoura.

In observations, the procedure is highly effective for those who opted for the same. Moreover, it is a bladeless and painless procedure where you won’t lose out on your cornea tissue. 

In India, Sharat Maxivision Hospital has been at the forefront of introducing this procedure to the residents of Warangal and neighbouring areas. If you live in Warangal and have been looking at living a quality life, do walk into our hospital for a consultation. You can explore our website too for more information. 

A small step may change your life!

Subconjunctival Haemorrhage – causes and treatment?
Subconjunctival Haemorrhage

Are you a lens user, or do you have hypertension? If yes, this blog is especially for you. We are introducing you to a subconjunctival haemorrhage. This condition occurs when you have a broken blood vessel on the surface of the eye. Now, what is conjunctiva? You have a clear membrane in the eye that is small, and it covers the white part of the eye. Moreover, your eyes have lots of such membranes that can be damaged due to several reasons. Further, when these membranes break, your eyes turn red. 

Is subconjunctival haemorrhage serious?

In most cases, conjunctivitis doesn’t need treatment and heals on its own. But if the condition stays for a longer period of time, our specialists suggest that you must take expert help and identify the problem. Further, you should schedule proper check-ups, and necessary treatment should be taken. What should you do if you are affected by conjunctivitis? Keep reading to know more about this.

What is the most common cause of subconjunctival haemorrhage?

You must undergo a thorough examination to identify the exact cause of the condition. In most cases, it is due to lenses, trauma or heritable conditions. For instance, a quick rise in pressure can also rupture the membrane. Moreover, if you rub your eyes too hard, the membrane can break, leading to this condition. Most of the time, conjunctivitis starts with irritation in the eye leading to mild pain to severe pain in rare cases. 

What is the fastest way to get rid of a subconjunctival haemorrhage?

In general, there is no way to speed up the process. As mentioned above, you need to go through a thorough examination to identify the cause. Further, with self-care and medical care, you can reduce the effect of this condition. At home, begin with putting ice packs over your eyes to ease the swelling and discomfort. 

Prevention is always the best measure. If you frequently use contact lenses, make sure you disinfect them regularly. Always protect your eyes from any trauma or injuries. If you have any bleeding disorder, keep a thorough check on it. In most cases, a subconjunctival haemorrhage is not a serious issue, but our specialists say it can be serious depending upon the age. Moreover, in older people, this condition can lead to serious vascular disorders too. 

The next question you might have is, does this condition lead you to loss of vision? Well, in theory, it doesn’t. But, as we always say, neglecting an eye disorder is never a good option. So, if the condition lasts for long, say 2 to 3 weeks, and you face any vision problem, it is best to get expert help. To know more about the condition, book an appointment with our specialists. They will guide you through what needs to be done.

Six ways to protect our eyes this Summer
protect our eyes
protect our eyes

You are already aware that you need to cover your skin from the sunlight, but did you know that you also need to protect your eyes? Yes, you’re right. Summer is an obstacle for your precious eyes, and you should take some measures to protect them. Follow up and read as we give you eye care tips for Summer to follow and shield your eyes from the sun.

Six ways that can protect your eyes this Summer –

  • Wear sunglasses with UV protection –
    UV rays may be reflected off of sand or water.  And, as much as your skin, your eyes should be shielded from the sun’s rays. The best way to protect your eyes is to shop for a pair of sunglasses that provide both UVA and UVB protection. You have a lot of options to choose from, so get the best.

  • Use goggles at the pool –
    Are you a sucker for swimming? The first dip can be a little unpleasant at first. Chlorine, which is meant to protect you from germs, can damage your eyes. Wearing goggles any time you go swimming in a pool is the safest way to protect yourself. Swimming in the ocean or other natural bodies of water is often dangerous because they contain other toxins that can damage your eyes.

  • Protect your eyes from dryness –
    It can be difficult for your eyes to spend time outdoors during the Summer. Since the wind is hot and dry, it may trigger a condition known as Dry Eyes. The hot and dry weather worsens the dryness of your eyes. Wear wraparound glasses to protect your eyes. To keep your eyes moist, use artificial tears.

  • Wear your sunglasses even when you wear your contact lenses –
    Yes, you can get UV-protected contact lenses, but they only protect the middle of the eye and not the area around it, which means you may still be vulnerable to sun damage if you’re wearing contact lenses and going outside. Furthermore, if you wear contact lenses without sunglasses, the sun will cause dryness and discomfort.

  • Wash your hands frequently –
    While this is necessary at any time of year to avoid the spread of eye infections, people are more active outdoors during the Summer. Infections, such as pink eye, spread more quickly as a result of this. So wash your hands frequently, particularly before touching your eyes or putting in your contacts.

  • Stay hydrated –
    Summer can dehydrate a person’s body to the point of exhaustion. As a result, it’s essential to stay hydrated at all times to ensure the health of your eyes and keep them sparkling.

These eye care tips for Summer should be followed because it is essential, as said before. You wouldn’t want to lose your vision just like you lose your tan lines. Visit Sharat Maxivision for more information.

Work from Home Eye Health tips
eye protection tips
eye protection tips

It can be tough working from home and having to spend the majority of your time indoors, staring at your digital devices for long periods.  What about your children who are entirely self-taught at home? Headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain are all caused by spending too much time staring at your screen, tablet, or phone. They’re the classic signs of eye pressure. Here are some eye care tips for you which will make it easier to work from home.

The easiest cure for digital eye strain seems to be spending less time in front of your screen. But, if you work from home, this might not be an option if you don’t have a choice but to spend eight hours a day in front of a screen. You can take several eye care tips to give your eyes a break and reduce the adverse effects of the screen.

Follow the eye care tips :

  1. Check your lighting –

    While your laptop is backlit, proper lighting in the room is essential. Increased eye pressure and headaches may occur if the light is too bright or too dark. It’s important that your screen is bright enough so that you don’t have to squint, but not so bright that it appears to be illuminated. It’s also necessary to keep glare to a minimum.

  2. Blink often –

    Although, blinking is commonly thought to be an involuntary gesture. However, if you spend all day in front of a computer screen, you should make an effort to blink more. Blinking problems may cause dryness, fatigue, blurred vision, pain, and a lack of focus. All of which can lead to decreased performance.
  3. Take breaks –

    It’s also essential to take regular breaks. The 20-20-20 rule, which implies that you should divert your attention to something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Take a break from your computer to get a drink of water or go outside for a few minutes if you can.
  4. Use eye drops –

    Artificial tears are available over-the-counter to help reduce dry eyes. Preservative-free hydrating eye drops may be used as often as required. If you’re using preservative-containing drops, don’t use them more than four times a day.
  5. Keep your distance –

    If the screen is too close or too far away from your face, your eyes will have to work harder to remain focused. Make sure the display is below eye level, with a gap of 20 to 40 inches between your eyes and the monitor.

These eye care tips address your concerns about how to protect your eyes when working from home. Even if you work from home or in an office, these hacks will help you protect your eyes.

How to Choose the best LASIK Surgeon
lasik surgery
lasik surgery

What is LASIK? Why is it needed? LASIK is a laser refractive surgery. It corrects problems of vision. A highly experienced doctor performs this surgery. Therefore, before the surgery, gather information on the best LASIK surgeon.

Make a list of LASIK surgeons: Choosing the best LASIK surgeon

You can start by making a list of ophthalmologists. Gather this information from your family, friends, and other healthcare providers. It is the first step in your research.

Research on the LASIK surgeons’ experience and standing

You should research the doctors’ credentials and experience. Above all, look for a doctor who certified by the board in ophthalmology and performs LASIK surgery on a regular basis. The surgeon is more prepared if he or she can predict and prevent complications. Therefore, this proves the surgeon’s experience in performing LASIK surgery.

Comfort and trust matters: Another step to choose the best LASIK surgeon

The most important criteria to choose your surgeon is the trust you have in the doctor. It would help if you were comfortable with what your surgeon tells you. When you are relaxed and confident about your decision, you will understand the surgeon’s level of care.

To sum up, the most important criteria of a quality surgeon include experience, excellent credentials, feeling of trust and willingness of the doctor and the staff to work with a patient to help him/ her achieve freedom from glasses.

Interview the doctor: A better way to choose the best LASIK surgeon

You can interview the doctors from the list you made. It will give you a better understanding of whether he or she is the best LASIK surgeon or not. Also, you will understand if the doctor gives you the level of comfort that you would want. In conclusion, choosing the best LASIK surgeon in Warangal is not a very easy task. It would help if you chose the doctor after gathering all the information wisely. You can talk to our doctors. Our doctors are highly experienced. They will always give you the comfort you expect. You can trust us with your eyes. We take care of your eyes with the utmost care.