Contoura Vision – A safe & effective way to get rid of specs

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Contoura Vision is the name you will come across when you decide to get a LASIK surgery done. Just as many gadgets have revolutionised how we do our daily activities, Contoura Vision has revolutionised how we can restore the original vision that nature has bestowed upon us. 

While specs have come as an aid for those suffering from different eye conditions, such as far-sightedness, near-sightedness, astigmatism, etc., the joy of walking around without having to put on or remove the specs is freedom indeed. For over two decades, LASIK has been a saviour for millions of people following its approval by the US-FDA. 

But time has given way to more advanced technologies which are more empowering. Contoura Vision surgeries have been a shot in the arm for those desiring to explore life to its fullest and for those who value the richness of colours. It is an FDA-approved technology that has been tested on more than 200 people. Since its approval by the FDA, more patients have come forward to do a Contoura Vision surgery and got amazing results. 

Advantages of Contoura Vision Surgery

  1. Personalised Vision Correction by mapping 22,000 points on the cornea. This reduces the issues with halos, glares, night-vision issues while driving and reading, etc.
  2. Treatment of the visual axis instead of the pupillary axis.
  3. Sharpest and crispest vision ever obtained in eye surgeries. 2/3rd of patients have reported 6/6 + and 20/20 + vision after the procedure.
  4. Absolutely bladeless and painless.
  5. No need for injections or bandages.
  6. The majority of cornea tissue is saved.

While LASIK has certain similarities, Contoura Vision has gone far ahead, especially in restoring the sharpest vision possible through personalised vision correction.

Is the Contoura Vision surgery procedure complicated?

Contoura Vision surgery follows the same procedure as LASIK surgery. The procedure is painless. An anaesthetic eyedrop numbs the eyes. This may cause a negligible amount of pressure.

 Following this, the doctor will ask you to focus on a beam of light which is the laser beam. This reshapes the cornea, during which your vision will blur. The reshaping happens as per the topographical mapping of your cornea. This may last from 15 to 20 mins or a maximum of 45 mins in certain cases.

After the procedure, your doctor will give you an eye shield to wear temporarily. You need to use eyedrops, too, along with other precautions.

LASIK surgery simplified eye vision correction two decades ago, but Contoura Vision has made it look like a cakewalk. We have the privilege of saying that we’ve been able to introduce this revolutionary technology to the residents of Warangal and the surrounding areas. Our doctors are among some of India’s finest and trained in Contoura Vision surgery Hyderabad. You’ll get the best guidance!