Six ways to protect our eyes this Summer

protect our eyes

You are already aware that you need to cover your skin from the sunlight, but did you know that you also need to protect your eyes? Yes, you’re right. Summer is an obstacle for your precious eyes, and you should take some measures to protect them. Follow up and read as we give you eye care tips for Summer to follow and shield your eyes from the sun.

Six ways that can protect your eyes this Summer –

  • Wear sunglasses with UV protection –
    UV rays may be reflected off of sand or water.  And, as much as your skin, your eyes should be shielded from the sun’s rays. The best way to protect your eyes is to shop for a pair of sunglasses that provide both UVA and UVB protection. You have a lot of options to choose from, so get the best.

  • Use goggles at the pool –
    Are you a sucker for swimming? The first dip can be a little unpleasant at first. Chlorine, which is meant to protect you from germs, can damage your eyes. Wearing goggles any time you go swimming in a pool is the safest way to protect yourself. Swimming in the ocean or other natural bodies of water is often dangerous because they contain other toxins that can damage your eyes.

  • Protect your eyes from dryness –
    It can be difficult for your eyes to spend time outdoors during the Summer. Since the wind is hot and dry, it may trigger a condition known as Dry Eyes. The hot and dry weather worsens the dryness of your eyes. Wear wraparound glasses to protect your eyes. To keep your eyes moist, use artificial tears.

  • Wear your sunglasses even when you wear your contact lenses –
    Yes, you can get UV-protected contact lenses, but they only protect the middle of the eye and not the area around it, which means you may still be vulnerable to sun damage if you’re wearing contact lenses and going outside. Furthermore, if you wear contact lenses without sunglasses, the sun will cause dryness and discomfort.

  • Wash your hands frequently –
    While this is necessary at any time of year to avoid the spread of eye infections, people are more active outdoors during the Summer. Infections, such as pink eye, spread more quickly as a result of this. So wash your hands frequently, particularly before touching your eyes or putting in your contacts.

  • Stay hydrated –
    Summer can dehydrate a person’s body to the point of exhaustion. As a result, it’s essential to stay hydrated at all times to ensure the health of your eyes and keep them sparkling.

These eye care tips for Summer should be followed because it is essential, as said before. You wouldn’t want to lose your vision just like you lose your tan lines. Visit Sharat Maxivision for more information.