For how long does the benefits of LASIK surgery last?
Lasik surgery
Lasik surgery

The word LASIK isn’t an unheard one. At least today, you see and hear the word everywhere. And, it’s all for good reasons. The wave of tech advancements that LASIK surgery created is phenomenal. Let us give you the right meaning of LASIK once again. LASIK is the name of a vision correction surgery that reshapes the corneal tissues using Laser technology. And, it is an obvious question that, will the surgery last forever? Will LASIK surgery in Warangal offer you a lifetime of clear and crisp vision? 

It is more than okay to have these questions pop up in your mind, and in fact, these questions are the limiting factor in choosing surgery. So, we will provide you with the answers to these questions in this blog. 

Will laser eye surgery last forever?

Theoretically, yes! On paper, LASIK is a surgery that provides clear vision forever. But, we live in a world of practicality, so we will say that it depends. The lasting effectiveness of LASIK surgery depends on various factors. To make it easier for you to understand, let us explain the basic procedure of LASIK. As explained earlier, LASIK uses a laser to reshape the elements of our eye. In this process, the specialists make very tiny cuts to the corneal layer to fix how it refracts the light. Thus, the image becomes clearer. It is natural that our body goes through changes as time goes by. And, these changes include eyes too. So, there is a chance that the cornea might deform again. 

Also Read: LASIK Eye Surgery – How can you Customise it?

How long do the benefits of LASIK surgery last?

Again, theoretically, LASIK can last forever. But, depending on various factors, and to give a number, LASIK’s benefits can easily last for up to 20 years. Since eyes are sensitive, the factors can range from age to medical conditions. The underlying truth of any surgery is that surgeries can only fix the problems that we already have. But, do not prevent us from facing the problems again. 

Can I get LASIK again after 10 years?

LASIK surgery is one of the safest surgeries today. The success rate of this surgery has set new standards of safety. Since there is no physical intervention, the process is absolutely safe. With that being said, the side effects of this surgery are almost negligible. As mentioned above, the natural course of the human body growth makes it deformed gradually. With that being said, in most cases, there will not be a need to repeat the surgery. But, if you consult our doctors for any discomfort in your eyesight after getting the surgery done, your eyes will then be tested for any irregularities. Based on the results, the doctors might suggest an enhancement surgery too. 

We hope this blog clears most of your questions regarding LASIK surgery. If you have any further queries, please feel free to connect with our eye specialist, and they will always be available to guide you through the process.