Work from Home Eye Health tips

eye protection tips

It can be tough working from home and having to spend the majority of your time indoors, staring at your digital devices for long periods.  What about your children who are entirely self-taught at home? Headaches, blurred vision, dry eyes, and neck and shoulder pain are all caused by spending too much time staring at your screen, tablet, or phone. They’re the classic signs of eye pressure. Here are some eye care tips for you which will make it easier to work from home.

The easiest cure for digital eye strain seems to be spending less time in front of your screen. But, if you work from home, this might not be an option if you don’t have a choice but to spend eight hours a day in front of a screen. You can take several eye care tips to give your eyes a break and reduce the adverse effects of the screen.

Follow the eye care tips :

  1. Check your lighting –

    While your laptop is backlit, proper lighting in the room is essential. Increased eye pressure and headaches may occur if the light is too bright or too dark. It’s important that your screen is bright enough so that you don’t have to squint, but not so bright that it appears to be illuminated. It’s also necessary to keep glare to a minimum.

  2. Blink often –

    Although, blinking is commonly thought to be an involuntary gesture. However, if you spend all day in front of a computer screen, you should make an effort to blink more. Blinking problems may cause dryness, fatigue, blurred vision, pain, and a lack of focus. All of which can lead to decreased performance.
  3. Take breaks –

    It’s also essential to take regular breaks. The 20-20-20 rule, which implies that you should divert your attention to something 20 feet away for 20 seconds every 20 minutes. Take a break from your computer to get a drink of water or go outside for a few minutes if you can.
  4. Use eye drops –

    Artificial tears are available over-the-counter to help reduce dry eyes. Preservative-free hydrating eye drops may be used as often as required. If you’re using preservative-containing drops, don’t use them more than four times a day.
  5. Keep your distance –

    If the screen is too close or too far away from your face, your eyes will have to work harder to remain focused. Make sure the display is below eye level, with a gap of 20 to 40 inches between your eyes and the monitor.

These eye care tips address your concerns about how to protect your eyes when working from home. Even if you work from home or in an office, these hacks will help you protect your eyes.