How do you know you have low Vision?

Low vision is a condition in which you can see partially. Several factors cause low vision, and each factor leads to different types of visual disabilities. Especially as you age, the chances of being diagnosed with low vision increase. This is why we always urge you to make regular appointments with our eye specialists. In this blog, we are going to talk about various causes and symptoms of low vision.

Make a note that low vision is a condition. This means it could be caused by various diseases that you might have already heard of. Before we dive further into the blog, there are a few terms that you might need to know about. When people mention that they have a ‘20/20’ vision, it means that they can see things with the highest clarity without a need for external help. In this case, external help includes wearing either corrective glasses or lenses. 

What are the symptoms of low vision?

Low vision is not about being unable to see things clearly. It means that there are various other factors that interfere with any treatment to get a clear vision. There are quite a lot of cases where vision correction cannot be achieved even with corrective lenses. 

There are also a few cases where you might see dark spots in your vision. With time, these tend to grow in size and interfere with your vision. These spots might occur in the centre of your vision, or they might also begin at the corners and make their way to the centre. There are cases where the clarity of vision decreases, and the picture always appears hazy or blurry. In some cases, your eyes might not be able to perceive any light during the nighttime.

What are the causes of low vision?

Most eye issues are a result of low vision. This is why it is very important to keep your eyes in check regularly. For example, you might have already heard of Macular Degeneration. This is a condition that comes with age. As you age, your retina goes through regular wear and tear and starts to malfunction. Cataracts are also one of the most common causes of low vision. 

As mentioned before in the blog, clouding of eyesight is caused by Cataracts. In the same way, Glaucoma causes damage to the optic nerve due to high blood pressure. All these are causes of low vision. 

How to get diagnosed?

Always make sure to get proper and regular eye exams by specialists. By doing so, you can always be aware of the condition of your eyes. There are various tests that will detect the reason for your vision defects. 

There you go. Those are a few reasons and symptoms of low vision. As there are several reasons for low vision, we urge you to get your appointments on a regular basis. To book an appointment.